The Earth begins to tilt and the clouds come together and form a misty gray that doesn’t allow the sunshine to peep through. There is no flash in the sky nor a rumble in the heavens to announce the birth of God’s snowflakes
It doesn’t take long for the first wafer like flake to appear. Before you can blink yours eyes the flakes multiply into a confetti like parade. It seems they have been waiting for the right time to appear and announce to everyone that this is their season. As the snowflakes rock back and forth and cascade gracefully to the sleeping ground, they all seem to mirror each other, but as they flutter closer to the eye, the flakes of snow differ from each other even though they appeared to be identical in the sky.
As the glitter like flakes continue to descend, they get ready to cover the earth. The snowflakes seem to cling to each other before they touch the frigged ground. Where there was one snow flake now there is a clump, the flakes seem to be holding hands to survive and become part of something new. They no longer look different from one another, because they all have been sewn together to make a shimmering quilt of snow.
Now the glistening blanket of snow can be transformed into dancing snowmen that bring happiness to children on a wintry day. The life of a snowflake is fleeting and short but the memories they give will always last.