So little time to share in the pleasure of your children. They are special years that you must cherish because you cannot go back in time. The only way back is by the memories you accumulate and keep in a vault of your heart.
Even though the time spent was a special glow, It seems you can only watch your children grow, but one day you find you are rewarded with a key that brings back all the memories that are locked in your heart. Sometimes the keys come one at a time and at times there are two identical keys that open all the memories that you loved in your life.
The same keys that unlocked the memories in your heart have opened other chambers that will store all the special moments in the remainder of your life. Now all the keys hang on the same chain and open my heart in the same way.
The keys come with different names that only your children give. No matter how you hang the keys, Isla, Morgan, Griffin and Max, they all open a special love in my heart.