Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Spirng Time Dinner Plate

While looking out my window and trying to be understanding why springtime always throws a damper on what it supposed to be, I suddenly saw confused snow flakes begin to pellet down on a carpet of newly seeded green grass. 

The darting cold flakes rudely interrupted a Robin from plucking a wiggling worm from the pallet beneath her shaky limb like feet.

The puzzled Robin looked up to the sky and seemed to be looking for an answer Why?  Empty beak and all, the orange breasted bird seemed to be wondering if she was to early for spring, or if the flakes were a special spring time seasoning salt.

Confused as the Robin may be, she scampered across the lawn but did not flee. She found a comfortable place to wait and seemed to know that when the flakes of pastry finished falling it would make her dinner great.

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