Sitting on a branch almost atop of an aging tree was a dark, pointed beaked and motionless bird peering down on me.
He started unfolding his shadowy finger like jet black wings and pointed them down on me.
He then began to cry out, “Don’t be afraid, wait for me, Watch me fly!”
His body seemed to bungee jump from the branch before his wings began to flap. The Crow was diving down on me and I didn’t know what would be.
Then I heard the swooping bird say, “Wait don’t hide!”
“Would you run if I were not as dark as a moonless night, but instead I were blue or red and sang out your favorite tweet?”
I listened in disbelief to what I thought I just heard, but I stayed motionless just to see what this bird had in-store for me.
This stealth like bird continued to dive but to my surprise glided gently on my shaky shoulder and began to whisper in my ear, “ So glad you waited for me, for we all need a special friend and so do I.”
How did this Crow that I will call “Gene” know that this day I needed a special friend?
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