Monday, July 15, 2019

Boring Moorings

 Driving down the street one early Sunday morn, from a distance I could see two figures plotting along. As the distance was closing I could see that they were some kind of a fowl but I could not figure out what breed they could be. The birds trudged like two drunken sailors with two webbed feet which were not made to walk the streets. They had long necks that undulated to and fro and their white feathers looked in distress, not combed at all.

Finally it hit me what kind of birds they could be. They were Swans that were out of place, but the question is why these graceful feathered friends would escape a place that would exhibit their grace.


As I began to think of the vicinity we were at, the Swans were not far from home, I’m sure the "Moorings" is the place they called home. 

The Moorings is a place that comforts the older generation that can afford to live their golden years in happiness without disgrace. 


So why would they flee from a heaven like this, when all the swans have to do is pirouette in the water and create hearts with their mate. 

I guess these Swans decided to flee the Moorings and find their own fate, for there must be more to life than to swim around in one place and entertain the elderly who are waiting to enter the pearly gates.

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